How Do A&Z Tailors Work as Professional Dress Alterations?

November 11, 2022

Every bride and every dress are distinct; therefore every person has different needs. Most of the time, the store associate will inform you about the necessary wedding dress alterations when you go dress shopping, but occasionally, you’ll find out when you go to your seamstress. Do not be afraid to inquire if you are unsure of what has to be done. Most consultations are free, and you can come up with a strategy together with a skilled tailor and changes. 

If you plan to work out or lose weight before the wedding, let A&Z Tailors know so that they may make the necessary changes while taking into consideration your changing physique. When it comes to completing your bridal appearance, our skilled tailors are a wonderful help, but it also helps if you are well-informed about your other style decisions. 

More than simply having a dress that fits exactly may make your bridal look flawless, so we’ve gathered some advice for you to read. Visit our website or get in touch with us if you need a professional wedding dress alteration service. We’ll do our absolute best to serve you there.

How Many Sizes Can we Alter a Wedding Dress?

In the end, it all comes down to the individual clothing in question. A wedding dress can typically be altered two sizes up or down. In the event that you need to go down more than three sizes, a dress could potentially be recut. However, based on your size, the dress’s present size, and its specifics, your tailor might make additional unique alterations. Dresses can be taken in rather easily, however they can be let out more difficulty. 

This could cover expanding the dress a size bigger, but probably not more because how far you can go without damaging the dress structure relies on the amount of seam allowance on the dress and the type of fabric. Your apparel could still be sized up by two or three sizes, though. The side panels, designs, and patterns of wedding dress alteration force A&Z Tailors to be innovative.

How do we go about altering your wedding dress?

  • Reducing the hem

The hem of wedding dresses is frequently made extra long by the producers so that it would fit clients who are taller. Cutting the hem shorter is the most common alteration and we do it to almost every customer that comes to visit us. It is difficult to estimate a price for this work because it depends on the number of layers and whether any lace needs to be removed before being added back to the final hem length.

  • Loop and button for trains

The tiny ribbon loops that are connected to your dress’ train allow you to lift it later in the day to facilitate moving around the reception easier. These are known as “train loops.” The latter is more popular because it frees up both of your hands, and it includes 1-3 loops and buttons to gather the train. There are numerous types of bustles, including the over bustle, under bustle, drawstring or Austrian bustle, waterfall bustle, etc. Some gowns purchased in stores have one or another train loop/bustle but surprisingly many gowns need these attached later. 

  • Taking in or out at the waist and hips

Because everybody is different and gorgeous, it is quite difficult to make clothes that fit everyone. This means that the side seams of the dress are frequently taken in or out. Always ask the salesperson how much the dress size may be altered while you are looking for a wedding gown. Usually, taking the dress in is simpler because you won’t have to worry about the previous seam showing.

  • Taking in the chest area

When it comes to chest size, many store-bought dresses are fairly accommodating. We have observed that the shape may require some adjustment so that the neckline won’t appear to be in a down. 

  • Adding sleeves or making other unique modifications

Sometimes, the ideal wedding dress simply isn’t available off the rack. The subject of larger wedding dress alterations then arises, and a lot can be done for a dress. We advise purchasing a dress that comes to the closest to your ideal and then consulting a seamstress for larger alterations. Adding sleeves is one of the most popular significant alterations, but you can also ask for a longer hem, more lace, or a long train. Even if you don’t receive a made-to-measure gown, you don’t have to sacrifice your sense of style.